

Fortifying Human Connection

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Help Shouldn't Have a Waitlist.

Extensive wait times for mental health hotlines repress people from receiving the care and support they deserve. rekindle equips helpline personnel with the tools they need to provide professional help and resources as responsively as possible. Once an individual describes their immediate circumstance and state of mind, rekindle optimizes the information with AI, instantly informing a human responder with critical details along with suggested resources and ways to help. With a database that grows with the people who use it, rekindle augments the one system that saves lives: human to human connection.

Meet our Responders

Jeff Rossum

"Volunteering at a crisis center is a unique opportunity to make a real difference in someone's life during their most vulnerable moments."

Janet Bertuzzi

"It's not always easy, but being a crisis center responder is one of the most fulfilling experiences I've ever had. Knowing that I've helped someone in their time of need is an indescribable feeling."

Laura Tarter

"Being a crisis center responder is not just about helping others; it's also about personal growth and self-discovery. It's an opportunity to learn and grow as a person while making a difference in the world."

Get Started

Jot down a quick description of how you're feeling, and we'll match you with a responder as soon as possible! Enjoy some relaxing images while you wait! You can also take the chance to talk to Kiply, our resident AI Responder that has been built to listen to you.

Interested in volunteering as a responder?

Apply to become a responder to provide support and care for people in need. Responders must provide proper certification and undergo specialized training before responding to callers. Only selected applicants will be contacted by our team to continue forward with the training process.

Ready to respond to the call? Apply


Hi my name is Kiply and I'm here to listen to you!

We'll never store any personal data.